7 Online Banking Success Stories

Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

You have seen their ads and you may have wondered if they are worth a second look. What am I talking about? Online banks! Also known as internet banks, these are financial institutions who provide the majority of their banking services over the internet. Typically, online banks offer consumers high savings rates, low loan rates, and a mix of other services. Let's look at 7 winners in this fast growing field:

1. E Trade Bank Part of E Trade Financial, the discount internet stockbroker. E Trade Bank offers checking accounts, money markets, and certificates of deposits as well as a VISA credit card.

2. Netbank Along with offering checking and money market accounts, Netbank provides mortgage and home equity lines of credit to customers. With tie-ins to affiliated companies Netbank also offers Auto, Homeowners, Condo/Co-op & Renters Insurance and Life, Health, Long Term Care & Dental Insurance.

3. Virtual Bank VirtualBank, a division of Lydian Private Bank, is a federally chartered bank regulated by the Office of Thrift Supervision. The bank offers checking, savings, and credit card services to customers.

4. Ever Bank This leading internet provider of banking services offers the most extensive, and varied services of any online institution. Ever Bank offers business and personal checking accounts, mortgages, home equity loans/lines of credit, reverse mortgages, a VISA credit card, and world currency accounts. This latter category is for investing in Deposit accounts and CDs denominated in any major world currency.

5. Emigrant Direct Part of Emigrant Savings Bank which traces its roots back to 1850 as a service provider to Irish immigrants. Emigrant has $10 billion in assets and more than $1 billion in net worth. It operates as a full service bank through 36 branches in the New York metropolitan area, and through EmigrantDirect.com. Emigrant offers only consumer services online; their high paying savings account is a chief investment vehicle.

6. ING Direct ING is a global financial institution of Dutch origin offering banking, insurance and asset management to over 60 million private, corporate and institutional clients in more than 50 countries. ING offers mortgages, loans/lines of credit, savings accounts, certificates of deposit, and money market mutual funds through another division.

7. MetLife Bank Yes, MetLife. A division of insurance powerhouse Metropolitan Life, MetLife Bank offers savings accounts, certificates of deposit, money market accounts, mortgages, and IRAs to consumers.

If you are banking exclusively with a "brick and mortar" institution you may be missing out on high paying investment options or competitive loan rates that easily undercut many traditional banking entities. These online banking success stories are only part of a growing number of savvy providers, some of whom are definitely worth a closer look by you, the consumer.

Napoleon Hill And Dan Pena Knew This Success Secret

Napoleon Hill made more millionaires over his lifetime than anyone who came before him...even more than Andrew Carnegie.

His book, 'Think and Grow Rich' even today influences the minds of people all around the world.

But how did Dr. Hill become so tremendous? So outrageously successful? At a very early age, he understood a very important success principle.

'Billionaire' Dan Pena over in Scotland also understands this very same success principle.

Most people say they want financial fr.eedom...a nicer home, another car, to travel more, to be able to make your own hours.

We see Dan Pena's obscenely beautiful castle and comment, 'I want that too.'

But Dan is quick to tell you about all the years of hard work and sacrifice he put in which made that castle his own.

And it took Napoleon Hill all but 3 seconds to tell Andrew Carnegie he was willing to work the next 20 years for him without any sort of pay or compensation in order to succeed.

So in light of what these two great men have accomplished, answer this for me:

"What are YOU willing to pay for your financial freedom?"

What are YOU willing to DO in order to have the things you've always wanted inyour life?

(What price are you going to pay if you DON'T do what it takes!)

People who have little can feel the pain of their circumstances and are more apt to do something to make a change in their lives. This is because we all naturally move toward pleasure and away from pain. Their challenge of course is that they have to learn a whole new way of doing things.

Those who have a lot and still strive to reach higher goals usually have some of the success principles already at work in their lives and need new strategies and paradyms.

Where do YOU fit in here?

Are you struggling to make ends meet? Are you saddled down with mortgages and other types of debt?

Or are you somewhere in the middle…where you have some, just enough to keep you moving on the hamster wheel of life each day?

9 out of 10 people tell me they're 110% committed to doing what it takes to succeed.

You know what? All but 1 or 2 of those 9 people are simply talking and not ready to actually roll up their sleeves and scrape their knuckles getting the work done.

I'm telling you this:

"You have to choose financial freedom and then be willing to do what it takes to make it happen."

You cannot hope for it.
You cannot wish it into existence.
And you cannot gain it from outside yourself.

We don't all have to be Dan Penas and Napoleon Hills.

But take the wisdom from their achievements and make it your own.

If you can't dedicate your next 20 years or if you're not willing to sacrifice the precious moments of being with your family in order to get your own castle, then at least do this:

Take a small step.

Make an extra sales call.

Get up 20 minutes earlier each day to work on your vision or work out your muscles.

Cut out ONE TV show and get working on your future.

Choose It. Commit To It. Make It Happen.

Keith Matthew
Pathways To Power, LLC

P.S. - If you haven't yet picked up a copy of the 'How To Attract Success' Kit, I highly recommend you go here now and get it: http://www.pathwaystopower.com/attract.html 

What Are The Negative Effects Of Stress!

Stress is the "wear and tear" our bodies experience as we adjust to our continually changing environment; it has physical and emotional effects on us and can create positive or negative feelings. As a positive influence, stress can help compel us to action; it can result in a new awareness and an exciting new perspective. As a negative influence, it can result in feelings of distrust, rejection, anger, and depression, which in turn can lead to health problems such as headaches, upset stomach, rashes, insomnia, ulcers, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

Negative Effects of Stress

In prehistoric times, the physical changes in response to stress were an essential adaptation for meeting natural threats. Even in the modern world, the stress response can be an asset for raising levels of performance during critical events such as a sports activity, an important meeting, or in situations of actual danger or crisis. If stress becomes persistent and low-level, however, all parts of the body's stress apparatus (the brain, heart, lungs, vessels, and muscles) become chronically over- or under-activated. This may produce physical or psychologic damage over time. Acute stress can also be harmful in certain situations.

Stress-related conditions that are most likely to produce negative physical effects include:

1. An accumulation of persistent stressful situations, particularly those that a person cannot easily control (for example, high-pressured work plus an unhappy relationship).

2. Persistent stress following a severe acute response to a traumatic event (such as an automobile accident).

3. An inefficient or insufficient relaxation response.

4. Acute stress in people with serious illness, such as heart disease.

Relieving Stress with a Stress Ball!
Stress balls are wonderful for relieving tension and pent up frustration. Many people will find that when they are going through a period of stress they feel the need to do something with their hands.

For example some people play with the loose change in their pockets while others make patterns and shapes with their fingers or tap them rhythmically on the tabletop.

Stress balls are a cheap alternative to the incessant hand movements that some people find annoying. They can be squeezed over and over again until you feel your nerves calming down because most are made from materials that regain their original shape when they are not being squeezed.

So what are you waiting for? We urge you to find out more about how Stress Balls can benefit you today! 

Biotechnology Timeline: Important Events And Discoveries In Biotechnology


The Age of biotechnology arrives with "somatostatin" - a human growth hormone-releasing inhibitory factor, the first human protein manufactured in bacteria by Genentech, Inc. A synthetic, recombinant gene was used to clone a protein for the first time.


Genentech, Inc. and The City of Hope National Medical Center announce the successful laboratory production of human insulin using recombinant DNA technology. Hutchinson and Edgell show it is possible to introduce specific mutations at specific sites in a DNA molecule.


Sir Walter Bodmer suggests a way of using DNA technology to find gene markers to show up specific genetic diseases and their carriers. John Baxter reports cloning the gene for human growth hormone.


The prokaryote model, E. coli, is used to produce insulin and other medicine, in human form. Researchers successfully introduce a human gene - one that codes for the protein interferon- into a bacterium. The U.S. patent for gene cloning is awarded to Cohen and Boyer.


Scientists at Ohio University produce the first transgenic animals by transferring genes from other animals into mice. The first gene-synthesizing machines are developed. Chinese scientists successfully clone a golden carp fish.


Genentech, Inc. receives approval from the Food and Drug Administration to market genetically engineered human insulin. Applied Biosystems, Inc. introduces the first commercial gas phase protein sequencer.


The polymerase chain reaction is invented by Kary B Mullis. The first artificial chromosome is synthesized, and the first genetic markers for specific inherited diseases are found.


Chiron Corp. announces the first cloning and sequencing of the entire human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) genome. Alec Jeffreys introduces technique for DNA fingerprinting to identify individuals. The first genetically engineered vaccine is developed.


Cetus Corporation's develops GeneAmp polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology, which could generate billions of copies of a targeted gene sequence in only hours. Scientists find a gene marker for cystic fibrosis on chromosome number 7.


The first genetically engineered human vaccine - Chiron's Recombivax HB - is approved for the prevention of hepatitis B. A regiment of scientists and technicians at Caltech and Applied Biosystems, Inc. invented the automated DNA fluorescence sequencer.


The first outdoor tests on a genetically engineered bacterium are allowed. It inhibits frost formation on plants. Genentech's tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), sold as Activase, is approved as a treatment for heart attacks.


Harvard molecular geneticists Philip Leder and Timothy Stewart awarded the first patent for a genetically altered animal, a mouse that is highly susceptible to breast cancer


UC Davis scientists develop a recombinant vaccine against the deadly rinderpest virus. The human genome project is set up, a collaboration between scientists from countries around the world to work out the whole of the human genetic code


The first gene therapy takes place, on a four-year-old girl with an immune-system disorder called ADA deficiency. The human genome project is formally launched.


Mary-Claire King, of the University of California, Berkeley, finds evidence that a gene on chromosome 17 causes the inherited form of breast cancer and also increases the risk of ovarian cancer. Tracey the first transgenic sheep is born.


The first liver xenotransplant from one type of animal to another is carried out successfully. Chiron's Proleukin is approved for the treatment of renal cell cancer.


The FDA declares that genetically engineered foods are "not inherently dangerous" and do not require special regulation. Chiron's Betaseron is approved as the first treatment for multiple sclerosis in 20 years.


The first genetically engineered food product, the Flavr Savr tomato, gained FDA approval. The first breast cancer gene is discovered. Genentech's Nutropin is approved for the treatment of growth hormone deficiency.


Researchers at Duke University Medical Center transplanted hearts from genetically altered pigs into baboons, proving that cross-species operations are possible. The bacterium Haemophilus influenzae is the first living organism in the world to have its entire genome sequenced.


Biogen's Avonex is approved for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. The discovery of a gene associated with Parkinson's disease provides an important new avenue of research into the cause and potential treatment of the debilitating neurological ailment.


Researchers at Scotland's Roslin Institute report that they have cloned a sheep--named Dolly--from the cell of an adult ewe. The FDA approves Rituxan, the first antibody-based therapy for cancer.


The first complete animal genome the C.elegans worm is sequenced. James Thomson at Wisconsin and John Gearhart in Baltimore each develop a technique for culturing embryonic stem cells.


A new medical diagnostic test will for the first time allow quick identification of BSE/CJD a rare but devastating form of neurologic disease transmitted from cattle to humans.


"Golden Rice," modified to make vitamin A. Cloned pigs are born for the first time in work done by Alan Coleman and his team at PPL, the Edinburgh-based company responsible for Dolly the sheep.


The sequence of the human genome is published in Science and Nature, making it possible for researchers all over the world to begin developing genetically based treatments for disease.


Researchers sequence the DNA of rice, and is the first crop to have its genome decoded.


The sequencing of the human genome is completed.

Understanding Your Dreams

The meaning of dreams has been of interest to mankind throughout history. Dreams come to us in a variety of forms that range from frightening to erotic. We experience images, sounds, sensations, and voices in our dreams that we are unable to influence or control. Do our dreams have special meanings? Are they brought on by incidents that have affected our lives today or possibly sometime in the past?

There are many theories why we dream, where in the brain dreams originate, or even why dreams occur at all. It is not clear what the neurological cause is, or in what phase of sleep dreaming takes place. Many believe dreams are reflections of the unconscious and some that they are predictions of the future or even messages from God. Dreams often inspire artistic and other forms of inspiration. Many dreams of a bizarre or strange nature have been interpreted by some as divine gifts, messages from the past, or predictions of the future.

According to most scientists dreams occur with equal frequency in most people. The ability to recall the dream varies greatly with individuals however. Most dreams it is believed occur during the (REM) sleep, which is a form of sleep that is experienced in the latter portion of the sleep cycle.

According to http://www.wicipedia.orghttp://www.dreams.budsbestbuys.com , both Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung identify dreams as an interaction between the unconscious and the conscious. Jung argued that the dream's bizarre quality is an efficient language, comparable to poetry and uniquely capable of revealing the underlying meaning. While Freud felt there was an active censorship against the unconscious even during sleep. They both agreed that the unconscious mind is the dominant force of the dream.

Lucid Dreams
Many books, charts, dream dictionaries, and even dream software programs are available today for those wishing to understand the meaning of their dreams. The most popular and by far the most intriguing books are about lucid dreaming. A lucid dream is one where the dreamer recognizes they are in a dream and can take control of it. Lucid dreamers have the power to control their dreams and are capable of creating many fantasies such as making new objects appear, change their form, or even fly. There are many forms of lucid dreams, having in common the fact that at some point in the dream the dreamer recognizes the experience as a dream. While lucid dreaming has been proven to exist, frequent lucid dreaming requires much practice and dedication. Many people practice specific techniques of lucid dreaming for personal or spiritual purposes.

For more information about dreams and their meanings, a complete A to Z free dream dictionary, and an outstanding book about lucid dreams, visit The The Dream Dictionary at:http://www.dreams.selectionsguide.com

Speak Your Mind!

For most people, the mere thought of speaking before an audience causes men's hands to go clammy and their hearts to pound like a kettledrum. Statistics show that people fear public speaking more than they do their own deaths. It shows that for the majority, people would rather die in silence than take a chance to speak their minds in society. Maybe it's conformity and a fear of saying something irrelevant.

The importance in public speaking lies in the fact that as social organisms, the ability to get your message across in the right way will do more good for you than the attempt to do a better job. Hunkering down faithfully to work is virtually useless if the boss does not even notice it.

The importance of public speaking is that it is inevitable. Sooner or later, you will be forced to enter the arena and speak to a sea of eyes and ears. Before that happens, it would always be better to meet that challenge on your terms.

Here are some points to ponder:

1. Career. People at work who can communicate better go up the ladder faster. Employers prefer hiring people with public speaking and communication skills. This is because speaking with your colleagues puts them at ease about you, helps you get your job done faster, and gets what you want done across much more easier.

2. Mental. You feel better about yourself. Successfully speaking before a live, listening audience improves your self-confidence, poise, character and sense of fun. You become less self-conscious, nervous, and can control higher levels of stress. This does not mean you won't make mistakes. Expect to make mistakes the first few times; learn from them, and keep on going. If you're consistent, that paralyzing fear of speaking to a large audience will be a thing of the past.

3. Opportunities. Public speaking positively impacts all aspects of your life. Being able to speak publicly opens up new opportunities unimagined in your former life. You will find yourself more eager to participate in causes you sincerely believe in, interact more with people of the opposite sex. You will find yourself assertively asking questions to clear up a problem, take the lead in a cause, or calmly explain a thorny situation without losing it. The effect of public speaking on your life is exponential.

Public speaking is an essential addition to the human repertoire. Technical knowledge is just as vital, but the ability to speak well takes your abilities and talents beyond the borders of your own skin and into the hearts and minds of others.

Chemicals that Mimic Hormones Explain Birth Defects and 8 year-olds Reaching Puberty (in Environmental)

Kamis, 09 Februari 2012

Bisphenol A is a threat to your health. It's all around you - and probably in you. 

And BPA is most likely the cause of early puberty in young girls, plus birth defects in newborns. 

Birth defects caused by exposing an unborn child to toxic chemicals was rarely discussed by doctors and hospitals before fetal alcohol syndrome was first identified. Many women employed in industry do not know all dangers associated with chemicals used at work because of the reluctance of manufacturers to explain in Material Data Safety Sheets all that is known about individual chemicals in chemical mixtures. What is known is that chemicals that alter DNA do it across the board and life cycle. Birth defects, early puberty and cancer go hand-in-hand. BPA is exactly that kind of chemical. 

Endocrine disruption leads to carcinogenic, reproductive and developmental effects. In addition to early puberty, disruption of ovarian function, reduced sperm production, and reduced fertility are the outcomes. Potential developmental effects include low birth weight and birth defects. 

Endocrine disruptors are found in pesticides, insecticides and industrial chemicals, such as bisphenol A found in plastic containers and can liners, which has been receiving all the bad press it deserves. 

We know that two common pesticides found in polluted water, atrazine and bifenthrin, function in shellfish as estrogen does. 

Environmental and biological scientists have done much to warn us about the hazards in our food supply. 

In 1993 Stanford endocrinologist Dr. David Feldman was conducting research on steroid hormones in yeast cultures, such as estrogen, and he found hormones, but not where he expected them. After sterilizing empty flasks with very high heat and pressure, Feldman said he "discovered the molecules must be leaching from the plastic, because they weren't coming from the yeast," 

The plastic flasks were made of polycarbonate, a clear sturdy plastic found in numerous containers and in the epoxies used to paint the interior of cans used for food. . Bisphenol A was contaminating his experiments. He knew that bisphenol A was a chemical relative of DES, diethylstilbestrol, a chemical known to cause cancer in the offspring of mothers treated with DES to prevent spontaneous abortions. Dr. Feldman rang the warning bell and presented his results to a major conference in 1994 in a paper entitled "Estrogens in Unexpected Places: Possible Implications for Researchers and Consumers," later published in Environ Health Perspect. 1995 Oct;103 Suppl 7:129-3. 

Nobody listened, until 2007 when Canada banned the use of bisphenol A in plastic baby bottles. 

Industry did nothing about BPA for years because there were no penalties and no incentives to use alternatives, and as Professor Feldman notes" scientists can only say so much." 

From the first reported synthesis of BPA in 1936 it has been known as an estrogen. Dodds, E.C., Lawson W. "Synthetic Oestrogenic Agents Without the Phenanthrene Nucleus," Nature 137:996 (1936). Today BPA is associated with causing damage in reproduction and is a suspect in a myriad of other problems, including breast cancer, diabetes, testicular cancer and more, as shown in tests on laboratory animals. 

Bishpenol A can be found in baby bottles, water bottles and the white linings of canned foods. It was thought to be just fine, but we are eating it. BPA has been found in 93 percent of Americans who were tested for it. 

Industry, as expected, claims that it is safe. But it's not acceptable if it leaches into humans. The Environmental Working Group found that bisphenol A lines the cans of baby formula, including Nestlé, Ross-Abbot (Similac), Mead Johnson (Enfamil), Hain-Celestial (Earth's Best), and PBM (sold under various names at Walmart, Kroger, Target and other stores). 

Researchers say BPA acts like the hormone estrogen and can affect a developing brain and reproductive system. It is among the chemicals now known as environmental estrogens. 

"There is mounting scientific evidence that BPA is toxic, especially to children," Aaron Freeman, Policy Director with Environmental Defense, says in a statement. "Governments should be acting quickly, starting with a ban on BPA in food and beverage containers." 

In a recent article in the San Jose Mercury News, Edwin Garcia wrote that lawmakers in Sacramento have recently introduced an increasing number of bills to clamp down on potential toxins in our lives -- bisphenol A and others. Environmental authorities in our northern neighbor, Canada, were so alarmed about bisphenol A that retailers yanked from their shelves many children's toys containing the chemical. 

And the same should be true in the United States. 

Unfortunately, that's not happening. 

There will be consequences once the rest of the world knows what industrial already knows about this chemical. 

Exposure to chemicals that mimic estrogens in the body is thought to be the reason more girls are entering puberty at younger ages, according to Jeanne Rizzo, executive director of the Breast Cancer Fund. 

Dr. Marcia Herman-Giddens of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill school of public health, in a 1997 study of 17,000 Girls in the US, found that black girls begin puberty shortly before age 9 on average, while white girls begin just before age 10. 

Dr. Herman-Giddens found an astonishing 45 percent of all Afro-American females reach puberty at age 8 and have begun developing breasts, growing pubic and underarm hair or both 

Think that through and consider the consequences of early development. 

Third grade girls, without the benefit of judgment or maturity, have reached the beginning of their sexual development without the emotional skills to make appropriate decisions. That's more than a family problem - it's a major social problem.

Bishpenol A mimics hormones and because of its widespread use BPA is among the environmental chemicals suspected to be responsible. 

The San Jose Mercury News on April 7, 2008 opined that bisphenol A should be deemed safe until proven guilty and in doing so maligned the research of Dr. Vom Saal and falsely stated that the scientific door on bisphenol A was still open. http://www.mercurynews.com/ci_8837191 

Both claims were false, as was the Mercury's premise that bisphenol A is safe. 

On April 10, 2008 the Mercury responsibly admitted that its editorial supporting the safety of bisphenol A mischaracterized the credibility of biologist Frederick vom Saal and the position of the National Academy of Science. The Mercury conceded that the Vom Saal studies of bisphenol A have stood the test of peer review and that recent studies by National Academy of Science scientists have produced results questioning the safety of bisphenol A. 

The US should be adopting the principles of precaution and prevention, long advocated by the Environmental Research Foundation in numerous papers. 

Bishpenol A is too high on the suspect list to be granted a presumption of innocence until proven guilty. Our daughters are at risk and that means this chemical must not be used until its has been proven safe. There's no second chance if it disables your daughter or grandchild. 

Chemicals should be deemed dangerous until proven innocent because we can never unring the bell of altered human DNA in this generation and the next. 

The Kids Safe Chemicals Act places the burden of proof on the chemical industry, which has produced more than 60,000 new chemicals in the last 30 years without safety testing, to prove that chemicals are safe for children before they are used in consumer products. See "Shouldn't Chemicals be Proven Safe for Kids Before Marketing, May 21, 2008. 

Why stop there? Why not make it "Everyone's Safe Chemical Act"? 

Top 7 Mastery Principles To Building A $1,000,000plus Enterprise

in Leadership

Are you aware of the single ** most powerful ** asset in your business? Is it money? Is it employees? Is it your credentials or intellectual knowledge? Is it your products or services?

No, actually, it is none of these. Your single most important business asset is your MIND ... more specifically, your mindset.

Your business only grows as quickly as you, your mind and your thinking do. If you want to create a $1,000,000+ business, you must think like a $1,000,000+ business owner. You must in your mind's eye already BE a $1,000,000 business owner.

The seven mindset principles below are crucial to building a $1,000,000+ business. Print this list, and refer to it often. Devoting as little as 15-30 minutes per day to shifting your mindset is THE single best investment in building your $1,000,000+ enterprise.


Great companies and great business leaders do great things that leave a lasting legacy and make this world a better place for you and me. Such leaders create CAUSES, not businesses. If you want to get to the $1,000,000+ level in your business, you must have at its core a "transcendent" purpose for its existence - a purpose that bigger than yourself and your own self-interests.

Viktor Frankl, the great Austrian psychiatrist,said it best: "Success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue ... as the unintended side effect of one's personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself." What is the transcendent purpose of your business? How can you make your business a vehicle for making a differencein your customers' lives?


Whatever you focus on, that is what you will multiply in your business. If you focus on the problem, you will get more of the problem. If you focus on finding a solution, the door will open to more solutions. Wherever your attention is, will drive your most probable outcome. Where is your attention right now in your business - on the problem or on the solution?? How must you shift your attention in your business to get to the $1,000,000+ level?


What you think , you magnetize and attract. Your ** thoughts ** make your business and your world. Eg., if you are attracting low income producing or difficult customers, your beliefs about your income worthiness or about the kind of clientele that will want your products/services are attracting such marginal customers. Your business is **always** a mirror of your own inner thinking.

To go to the next level in your business, you must first get to the next level in your mind. You must know the value you offer and raise your mental sights on the kind of customers you want to attract. What challenges do you have in your business currently? How do they mirror back to you your thinking?


Having hopes, dreams and visions of becoming a $1,000,000+ enterprise is not enough to create it, although certainly a first step. Deliberate creation comes from deliberate intention, from making a **decision**, that no matter, what you will take your business to the next level.

When we come from a place of 100% committed intention, synchronicity and magic happen. Finding the right people and resources to support your vision unfolds effortlessly. Momentum pulls you in the direction of your dreams. Are you in a wishful state or have you committed 100% to creating your visions and dreams? What willit take to be 100% committed?


Marketing is **not** a battle of products. It's a battle of PERCEPTIONS. It all starts in the customer's mind. Perceived value, first and foremost, is what attracts customers to your business. Real value is what retains them. What are you doing to create perceived value in your customer's mind? Are you winning the battle of


With every action, there is a consequence or outcome. While you cannot control the outcome, you can control and are responsible for your actions. This principle tells us If you want a different consequence or outcome in your business, you must take different actions.

No matter what your current level of success, a $1,000,000+ enterprise requires higher level strategies and higher level performance actions than your past efforts. Where are you getting inferior outcomes or results in your business? What different actions can you take to create a different outcome?


All riches are of the mind *** first ***. It is your MENTAL ATTITUDE that determines the difference between a floundering $10,000/year business and a booming $1,000,000+ empire. "As you believe, so shall you receive." If you were to picture a $1,000,000+ business, how would that business be different than what you are operating now?? How differently would YOU need to be to run a $1,000,000+ business?

A FINAL NOTE: Mindset changes do not happen overnight. It takes persistent focus, effort and attention to shifting deeply embedded thinking to a new level.

However, just 15-30 minutes of time daily to mastering these principles and shifting your thinking can reap much greater rewards in your business than 1000 hours of additional efforts. The creation of a $1,000,000+ enterprise is only a mindset away. 

Life is a Gift, Open and Enjoy It

in Happiness

There is a bottle of perfume sitting on my dresser that I was given when I was ten years old! As you can tell I have pack rat tendencies! For me that pattern started as a young child. I could never bear to throw things away. There was more to it than not wanting to throw things away. I loved the feeling I had when I would receive something new, and would not want to spoil it by using it unless it was for something special. I would want to save it for a special occasion. A new dress would sit in the closet, until a special event to wear it. Perfume would sit on my dresser, not to be used for everyday, but for a special 'something'. This was a pattern in my life for many years. 

Recently though I've realized that this is not the best perspective to live life. I don't want to be like that woman on the Titanic, who when was being lowered into the lifeboat said…"If I'd known this was going to happen I would have had that Chocolate Mousse dessert." This reflects a view of life that speaks a lie. It is a false belief that if I enjoy something now, I won't be able to look forward to anything good like that in the future. This belief steals the joy from living in the present, and also lies to me about what the future might hold. Often it takes sad or traumatic situation to cause a person to stop and take stock their life's perspective and lifestyle. For example, let me tell you how it happened for Ruth.

One day, out of the blue, Ruth got one of those devastating 'phone calls' that we all dread receiving. Her sister Jane had passed away unexpectedly. Ruth went over to the home to help her brother in law with the sad task of preparation for the funeral. They were in the bedroom deciding on clothes Jane would wear as she was laid to rest. He pulled out of the drawer some beautiful lingerie wrapped in tissue. Ruth gasped as she saw the astronomical cost on the price tag. "Jane bought this in Paris 8 or 9 years ago. She never wore it. She was saving it for a special occasion. I guess this is it." he said. It was exquisitely, handmade in silk, with a delicate cobweb of lace .As he slammed the drawer shut he said something that changed Ruth's life for ever. "Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Every day you're alive is a special occasion! 

After the funeral, Ruth began to evaluate her life from a different perspective. She began to see life as something to be enjoyed not endured. Ruth started to make changes, although small at first, for Ruth they had great significance. She sat in the garden more and didn't worry about the weeds. She wore expensive perfume on ordinary days, after all co workers and cashiers have noses that function just as well as party goers! She lit that candle that had been sitting as a centre piece on the dining room table collecting dust. She got that cracked window fixed, that she'd been meaning to do for years. She invited those friends round for dinner that she'd seen at the last sixteen weddings, and said we must get together.

Ruth determined that she would live each day as if it was her last. Now every morning when Ruth opens her eyes, she tells herself that this day is special. Every day, every breath, every minute of her life is truly a gift from God.
Your life perspective changes when you start living each day as if it was your last. You start to look at all the things that you want to accomplish in life and actually get started!! You stop watching everyone else doing it. Have the courage to start thinking "It's my turn now" and do what is in your heart. 
Grandma Moses began a painting career at age seventy six. Golda Meir was elected Prime Minister of Israel in 1969 at age seventy one.
I recently met a lady in her eighties who, in the last two years, had been white-water rafting, and hiking in the Himalayas. She was excitedly planning her next trip!
Don't wait years, or until something traumatic happens to get your attention. Start now to reflect on your life's perspective and begin living without regrets.

I love this quote by Peter Sage, speaker and entrepreneur :

Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, "Wow - What a Ride!" 

Oprah's Debt Diet: What It Is and How You Can Benefit from It

in Personal Finance

In February 2006, Oprah Winfrey challenged her television viewers and all other Americans to get out of debt. If you are currently suffering from debt than you know that it is difficult to overcome. That is why Oprah and a number of financial experts developed the Oprah Debt Diet.

Oprah's Debt Diet includes a step-by-step guide on overcoming debt. It is important to note that getting out of debt will not happen over night. That is why Oprah's step-by-step guide is important because it helps debt ridden individuals change their daily habits over time. If you are currently searching for a way out of debt you are encouraged to read on and learn a few of the steps in Oprah's Debt Diet. 

Step # 1 - Determine Exactly How Much Debt You Have

This first step is extremely important because it is impossible to get completely out of debt if you are unaware of all of your debt. The easiest way to determine how much debt you owe is by collecting all of your current and overdue bills or by requesting a copy of your credit report. Your credit report can easily be obtained from one of the three main credit bureaus, Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. 

Step #2 - Eliminate Unnecessary Expenses

Like many other Americans, it is likely that you grab a soda or coffee while at work. Those items are expensive and they quickly add up. Did you know that simply by eliminating unnecessary purchases you could get out of debt a lot quicker than you may have originally thought? Tracking all of your purchases for one week is a great way to know what items you can live without purchasing. 

Step #3 - Learn About the Credit Cards You Have

Many Americans are falling victim to late fees, annual fees, and high interest rates without even knowing it. The best way to prevent credit card debt is by knowing how your credit card works. It is also important to know that minimum payments may sound great, but in reality they are a financial death trap because they only keep you in debt longer. If you successfully follow step 2, you could use your extra money to make more than the minimum payments each month. 

Step #4 - Learn to Cut Back on Your Spending Habits

Step 2 mentioned eliminating unnecessary purchases. Eliminating unnecessary purchases is a great way to get out of debt, but it can be difficult to do. Individuals who are unable to control their spending habits are encouraged to not carry credit or debit cards with them. If a credit card is used, it is important to make the payments on time and pay as much of it as you can. It is also important not to obtain new credit cards during this time or accept offers of increased spending limits.

Step # 5 - Develop a Monthly Spending Plan

A monthly spending plan, also commonly referred to as budget, is a great way to allocate money to necessary expenses. A monthly budget is the best because it can include holidays, birthdays, and other special events that only occur during certain months. Your budget should include all housing costs and expenses, transportation expenses, other miscellaneous expenses, and the debt that you owe.

Step #6 - Develop Ways to Increase Your Income

When developing a budget, there are many Americans who realize that they do not make enough money to pay for all of their expenses and debt. If you are one of those individuals then you may want to consider finding ways to obtain extra income. Extra income does not necessarily mean having to get a second job. It can also mean altering your lifestyle. The Debt Diet recommends going without a vehicle if possible and relocating if your current home expenses are too high.

Step #7 - Develop a Customized Plan to Get Rid of Your Debt

A customized plan can be developed simply by prioritizing your debt. This means that you will examine all of your debt and determine which debt you need to pay off first. The date of the debt, how much it is, and what can happen if you don't pay it should be examined when deciding what or who to payoff first. 

Step #8 - Determine Why You Spend Money and Try to Change It

Many unnecessary purchases are made when individuals are feeling angry or depressed. It is also possible that you are an impulse buyer or that you may have a shopping addiction. Whatever the reason for your unnecessary purchases, there are ways to change it. Sometimes this process may require professional help, but other times it can simply be cured with other activities.

Oprah's Debt Diet worked for the guests on her show and there is no reason why it cannot work for you. As previously mentioned, getting out of debt is difficult and it will not happen over night. If you sway away from any of the above mentioned steps do not give up. Try as many times as it may take. Once you make the steps of the Oprah Debt Diet a part of your daily routine you will be on your way to being debt free. 

Appreciate Yourself And What You Have

Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

in Inspirational 

A better life has been achieved when we are no longer trying to achieve a better life. It means that we are content, as we should be, with ourselves and what we have. To be anxious for more or to envy someone else's life or possessions is self-defeating. We are then in a constant state of frustration, always hoping and waiting for more happiness.

So what is important? Enough, not more.

"Think of what you have rather than of what you lack. Of the things you have, select the best and then reflect how eagerly you would have sought them if you did not have them." - Marcus Aurelius (121-180)

There is, here and now, much to appreciate. There is life itself with friends, family, and everything that is naturally before us. We just have to look around and take it in. Perhaps it is time to make a list of all the good things we have to grateful for.

Are there people in your life that you would miss dearly if they were not here? When you go for a walk don't you see, hear, and smell, many things to appreciate and feel nice about? Like the flowers, trees, birds, and the clouds in the sky. A caterpillar crossing the sidewalk or your neighbor waving. A cute pup or child enthusiastically enjoying that moment in life.

"Whether in favor or in humiliation, be not dismayed. Let your eyes leisurely look at the flowers blooming and falling in your courtyard. Whether you leave or retain your position, take no care. Let your mind wander with the clouds folding and unfolding beyond the horizon." - Hung Tzu-ch'eng (1593-1665)

It just makes good sense to be satisfied and at peace with yourself and others, and to enjoy life now. 

Success-- The Key and the Fire

in Success

Self-discipline is a powerful tool that can help you accomplish about anything you can dream or imagine. Self-discipline is the act of controlling our emotions, actions, thoughts, words and personal direction. Some people seem to be naturally self-controlled and some seem to have no self-control at all. Others seem to constantly struggle with self-discipline. 

Discipline is learning to say "no" to our primitive uncontrolled cravings and selfish destructive desires. We develop self-management when we begin to distinguish the difference between what is actually needed and what is truly unnecessary.

Because of the ease of modern society and our ability to get anything we want at a push of a button or the swipe of a card, it is far more difficult to exert self-control today than it has been in any other time in human history. Added to this is the brainwashing of advertising that tells us to crave things.

The first step to gaining self-control is to identify the areas where we are out of control. Work on self-denial in the areas you want to change. Deny your self a certain pleasure each day. Then begin to start small with little victories each day, like eating one less snack or watching one less television show. 

A key to discipline is developing routines. People who have routines tend to be more disciplined and accomplish more. If you are one of those people who have trouble with routines, try adding just one at a time. Keep it simple. Work on the things that are most important first. Evaluate yourself regularly to see how you are doing. Reward yourself for keeping at it. Once it becomes a habit, it is much easier to maintain.

Of course, routines can be done to excess, so remember to give yourself a little healthy leeway in case the unexpected comes up. 

The power behind some of the world's greatest achievements is strong motivation and the ability to persist despite previous failures. Motivation is the fire that fuels our efforts toward success. There is no use in trying to master self-discipline if you have no motivation to have it. Motivation is a result of strong personal desire that directs a person's actions and thoughts and helps create situations that move toward a specific accomplishment. 

Motivation must come from within, not from an outside source. For example, if you diet because your spouse wants you to, it is poor motivation, and you will probably not do well at it. It is only when you truly desire to control your habits and behaviors that you will achieve self-discipline. Motivation brings about true change.

One way to increase motivation is through pressure. Tell your friends, co-workers and family about your commitment to change something in your life. Peer pressure can be a powerful motivator. 

Motivation works hand in hand with self-discipline and organization. Lack in these areas can lead to a greater number of failures and failures lead to poor motivation. When you begin to structure your day and organize yourself, the motivation that moved you to change will continue to add fuel to the fire.

As you work toward change in your life, you will eventually experience failure. The only way to defeat failure is through persistence and perseverance. The most common reason people give up on achieving their goals is because they encountered failure once or twice and they become afraid to try again. Winston Churchill once said, "Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm." Before you even begin, you must plan to deal with failure. Be ready to persevere. Vow to never give up, no matter what, no matter how long it takes! 

What Judges Look for In Science Fair Projects

in Science

Science fair judges have specific things in mind when they review projects. Sure, they like interesting pictures, colorful displays and seeing clever ideas, but they also look for other, more specific, technical features. 

Let's take a peak at some grading sheets from a few science fairs.

One school used a point system to rate the most important elements of the project.

The ratings are below. What can we learn from this example judging sheet? 

1) Know the Scientific Method well. 

2) Know how to explain your project using the scientific method WITHOUT reading off your display. 

3) Be enthusiastic and enjoy your information. Smile. 

4) Create a detailed report fleshing out all the information included on your display. 


Sample 1: 

1. Shows knowledge of the Scientific Method: 

4 pt. Explains all 6 topics easily, shows understanding of conclusion. 3 pt. Explains at least 5 topics easily, shows understanding. 2 pt. Explains most topics with help from the board. 1 pt. Tries to answer questions asked by the judge. 

2. Shows use of the Scientific Method through the board: 

4 pt. Presents steps of method clearly and completely with headings 3 pt. Presents each step of method clearly 2 pt. Has each step on the board. 1 pt. Has some steps on the board. 

3. Shows enthusiasm and interest in the project: 

4 pt. Student is excited about the project and eagerly tells about it. 3 pt. Student is pleasant and shares information. 2 pt. Student tells about the project, when asked. 1 pt. Student answers some questions about the project. 

4. Speaks knowledgeably about the project: 

4 pt. Student eagerly talks with many details of the experimentation. 3 pt. Student shows understanding of the project. 2 pt. Student knows what the project is, giving minimal explanation. 1 pt. Student can answer questions when prompted.

5. Presents scientific data in a well-organized, visually appealing display: 

4 pt. Board shows data in clear tables, charts, or pictures with headings. 3 pt. Board is neat and attractive, limited table, chart or pictures. 2 pt. Board has headings, using information stated. 1 pt. Board has headings and limited information. 

6. Shows written evidence of research, experimentation and analysis : 

4 pt. Booklet has Cover, Table of Contents, Research/Interviews. Thank you page and/or bibliography and experimentation included. 3 pt. Booklet has Cover, Table of Contents and Research/Interviews. 2 pt. Booklet has Cover and Some Research/Interview Data. 1 pt. Booklet is minimal or nonexistent. 


Sample 2: 

I. Scientific Thought A. Does project follow the scientific method? B. Is the problem clearly stated? C. Are the procedures appropriate and organized? D. Is the information collected accurate and complete? 

II. Creative Ability A. How unique or original is the project idea? B. Is it significant or unusual for a child this age? 

III. Understanding A. Does it explain what the student learned about the topic? B. Does the project represent real study and effort? C. Does the project show the child is familiar with the topic? 

IV. Clarity A. Does the student clearly communicate the nature of the problem, how the problem was solved, and the conclusion? B. Are the problems, procedures, data, and conclusions presented clearly and in a logical order? C. Does the student clearly and accurately articulate in writing what was accomplished? D. Is the objective of the project likely to be understood by one not trained in the subject area? 

V. Dramatic Value A. Is the display visually appealing? B. Is the proper emphasis given to important ideas? C. Are all the components of the project done well? 

VI. Technical Skill A. Was the majority of the work done by the student? B Has the student acknowledged help received from others? C. Does the written material show attention to grammar and spelling? D. Is the project physically sound and durably constructed? 

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