Appreciate Yourself And What You Have

Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

in Inspirational 

A better life has been achieved when we are no longer trying to achieve a better life. It means that we are content, as we should be, with ourselves and what we have. To be anxious for more or to envy someone else's life or possessions is self-defeating. We are then in a constant state of frustration, always hoping and waiting for more happiness.

So what is important? Enough, not more.

"Think of what you have rather than of what you lack. Of the things you have, select the best and then reflect how eagerly you would have sought them if you did not have them." - Marcus Aurelius (121-180)

There is, here and now, much to appreciate. There is life itself with friends, family, and everything that is naturally before us. We just have to look around and take it in. Perhaps it is time to make a list of all the good things we have to grateful for.

Are there people in your life that you would miss dearly if they were not here? When you go for a walk don't you see, hear, and smell, many things to appreciate and feel nice about? Like the flowers, trees, birds, and the clouds in the sky. A caterpillar crossing the sidewalk or your neighbor waving. A cute pup or child enthusiastically enjoying that moment in life.

"Whether in favor or in humiliation, be not dismayed. Let your eyes leisurely look at the flowers blooming and falling in your courtyard. Whether you leave or retain your position, take no care. Let your mind wander with the clouds folding and unfolding beyond the horizon." - Hung Tzu-ch'eng (1593-1665)

It just makes good sense to be satisfied and at peace with yourself and others, and to enjoy life now. 

Success-- The Key and the Fire

in Success

Self-discipline is a powerful tool that can help you accomplish about anything you can dream or imagine. Self-discipline is the act of controlling our emotions, actions, thoughts, words and personal direction. Some people seem to be naturally self-controlled and some seem to have no self-control at all. Others seem to constantly struggle with self-discipline. 

Discipline is learning to say "no" to our primitive uncontrolled cravings and selfish destructive desires. We develop self-management when we begin to distinguish the difference between what is actually needed and what is truly unnecessary.

Because of the ease of modern society and our ability to get anything we want at a push of a button or the swipe of a card, it is far more difficult to exert self-control today than it has been in any other time in human history. Added to this is the brainwashing of advertising that tells us to crave things.

The first step to gaining self-control is to identify the areas where we are out of control. Work on self-denial in the areas you want to change. Deny your self a certain pleasure each day. Then begin to start small with little victories each day, like eating one less snack or watching one less television show. 

A key to discipline is developing routines. People who have routines tend to be more disciplined and accomplish more. If you are one of those people who have trouble with routines, try adding just one at a time. Keep it simple. Work on the things that are most important first. Evaluate yourself regularly to see how you are doing. Reward yourself for keeping at it. Once it becomes a habit, it is much easier to maintain.

Of course, routines can be done to excess, so remember to give yourself a little healthy leeway in case the unexpected comes up. 

The power behind some of the world's greatest achievements is strong motivation and the ability to persist despite previous failures. Motivation is the fire that fuels our efforts toward success. There is no use in trying to master self-discipline if you have no motivation to have it. Motivation is a result of strong personal desire that directs a person's actions and thoughts and helps create situations that move toward a specific accomplishment. 

Motivation must come from within, not from an outside source. For example, if you diet because your spouse wants you to, it is poor motivation, and you will probably not do well at it. It is only when you truly desire to control your habits and behaviors that you will achieve self-discipline. Motivation brings about true change.

One way to increase motivation is through pressure. Tell your friends, co-workers and family about your commitment to change something in your life. Peer pressure can be a powerful motivator. 

Motivation works hand in hand with self-discipline and organization. Lack in these areas can lead to a greater number of failures and failures lead to poor motivation. When you begin to structure your day and organize yourself, the motivation that moved you to change will continue to add fuel to the fire.

As you work toward change in your life, you will eventually experience failure. The only way to defeat failure is through persistence and perseverance. The most common reason people give up on achieving their goals is because they encountered failure once or twice and they become afraid to try again. Winston Churchill once said, "Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm." Before you even begin, you must plan to deal with failure. Be ready to persevere. Vow to never give up, no matter what, no matter how long it takes! 

What Judges Look for In Science Fair Projects

in Science

Science fair judges have specific things in mind when they review projects. Sure, they like interesting pictures, colorful displays and seeing clever ideas, but they also look for other, more specific, technical features. 

Let's take a peak at some grading sheets from a few science fairs.

One school used a point system to rate the most important elements of the project.

The ratings are below. What can we learn from this example judging sheet? 

1) Know the Scientific Method well. 

2) Know how to explain your project using the scientific method WITHOUT reading off your display. 

3) Be enthusiastic and enjoy your information. Smile. 

4) Create a detailed report fleshing out all the information included on your display. 


Sample 1: 

1. Shows knowledge of the Scientific Method: 

4 pt. Explains all 6 topics easily, shows understanding of conclusion. 3 pt. Explains at least 5 topics easily, shows understanding. 2 pt. Explains most topics with help from the board. 1 pt. Tries to answer questions asked by the judge. 

2. Shows use of the Scientific Method through the board: 

4 pt. Presents steps of method clearly and completely with headings 3 pt. Presents each step of method clearly 2 pt. Has each step on the board. 1 pt. Has some steps on the board. 

3. Shows enthusiasm and interest in the project: 

4 pt. Student is excited about the project and eagerly tells about it. 3 pt. Student is pleasant and shares information. 2 pt. Student tells about the project, when asked. 1 pt. Student answers some questions about the project. 

4. Speaks knowledgeably about the project: 

4 pt. Student eagerly talks with many details of the experimentation. 3 pt. Student shows understanding of the project. 2 pt. Student knows what the project is, giving minimal explanation. 1 pt. Student can answer questions when prompted.

5. Presents scientific data in a well-organized, visually appealing display: 

4 pt. Board shows data in clear tables, charts, or pictures with headings. 3 pt. Board is neat and attractive, limited table, chart or pictures. 2 pt. Board has headings, using information stated. 1 pt. Board has headings and limited information. 

6. Shows written evidence of research, experimentation and analysis : 

4 pt. Booklet has Cover, Table of Contents, Research/Interviews. Thank you page and/or bibliography and experimentation included. 3 pt. Booklet has Cover, Table of Contents and Research/Interviews. 2 pt. Booklet has Cover and Some Research/Interview Data. 1 pt. Booklet is minimal or nonexistent. 


Sample 2: 

I. Scientific Thought A. Does project follow the scientific method? B. Is the problem clearly stated? C. Are the procedures appropriate and organized? D. Is the information collected accurate and complete? 

II. Creative Ability A. How unique or original is the project idea? B. Is it significant or unusual for a child this age? 

III. Understanding A. Does it explain what the student learned about the topic? B. Does the project represent real study and effort? C. Does the project show the child is familiar with the topic? 

IV. Clarity A. Does the student clearly communicate the nature of the problem, how the problem was solved, and the conclusion? B. Are the problems, procedures, data, and conclusions presented clearly and in a logical order? C. Does the student clearly and accurately articulate in writing what was accomplished? D. Is the objective of the project likely to be understood by one not trained in the subject area? 

V. Dramatic Value A. Is the display visually appealing? B. Is the proper emphasis given to important ideas? C. Are all the components of the project done well? 

VI. Technical Skill A. Was the majority of the work done by the student? B Has the student acknowledged help received from others? C. Does the written material show attention to grammar and spelling? D. Is the project physically sound and durably constructed? 

How To Tell If Someone Is Lying

in Psychology 

How to tell if someone is lying? Carefully. All methods of lie-detecting, including polygraph machines, are regularly fooled or used improperly, resulting in mistakes. There are a few good ways described here, but try to confirm the truth by other means as well, such as confession or investigation of the facts.

You should compare behavior in the person under suspicion to their "base" behavior, if possible. In other words, if they always have shifty eyes, then this trait can't be considered as an indication of lying. On the other hand, if they are normally very calm under pressure, but start shifting in their chair after certain questions, that may indicate lying. Because all techniques fail at times, you should use several indications before assuming the person has lied.

How To Tell If Someone Is Lying By Testing Responses

One way to test for lying, is to measure a persons desire to avoid a subject, which will sometimes indicate dishonesty or guilt. If you think the person is lying, change the subject quickly. A lying person will often go along easily, and may even visibly relax. An innocent person is more likely to be slightly confused by the change and want to finish their thoughts.

Another lie detecting technique is to suggest something that would make a guilty person feel uncomfortable and watch for a response. Suppose your wife Jane says she was at her mother's house, and you think she is lying. Rather than saying, "I'm calling your mother to verify this," you could use a subtle approach. You might say, "That reminds me, I'm going to stop by your mother's house today to fix that door for her." 

If your wife was lying, the idea of you seeing her mother should make her nervous. She may give you reasons why you shouldn't go there. Of course, if your relationship has reached the point where you feel the necessity to resort to these techniques, a simple lie may not be the worst of your problems. Still, sometimes you need to know, so here are a few more ways to tell if someone is lying.

They are using your words. Using your exact words to respond can be an indication of lying. You say, for example, "Did you leave this here?" and they respond, "No, I did not leave this here."

They use un-contracted words. A lack of contractions is more common when lying. For example, instead of saying "I didn't sleep with her," a man might say," I did not have sexual relations with that woman." Again, compare to base behavior, though, as some people may not use contractions often anyhow.

Over-compensation. Often when people lie, they try too hard to be natural, and they give more detail than is necessary.

Forced smiles. A real smile involves more muscles, while a forced smile will use just the muscles around the mouth. The lie here may only be about their feelings, of course. 

Let them talk. The more a person talks, the more likely you are to catch them in a lie (if they are being dishonest), especially when you learn the indications to watch for. These are just a few of the ways how to tell if someone is lying. 

How to choose an eBook Compiler

in eBooks 

There are many different compilers to chose from, but first, you need to know exactly what an ebook Compiler does. Here is the simple explanation:

An ebook compiler is a software program that converts either text pages or HTML text into a single executable file or an ebook.

If you or someone you hired has created a file with graphics in HTML, you will need an HTML ebook Compiler. This type of compiler requires a working knowledge of the HTML tag language. You can also use software to do this for you, such as Microsoft FrontPage or Macromedia Dreamweaver.

How do you choose an eBook Compiler?

There are a large number of ebook Compilers available on the market, all with glowing sales copy and tekkie language. It can get very confusing and overwhelming very fast without some simple guidelines to help you figure out which compiler is right for you.

Choosing an ebook Compiler depends on a number of factors:

1. How did you create your pages? Did you use HTML or PDF format? There are many more compilers available for HTML, but you can find some very good compilers that will covert your PDF files into an ebook.

2. Consider how easy the program is to use and the thoroughness of the software's instruction manual. It is absolutely necessary that the compiler you buy have an instructional manual, documentation, or online "wizards." If it doesn't, your chances of figuring out how to correctly use the program are compromised, and the time required doing so is going to be significant. Many manufacturers of compilers offer a free trial version so you can play around with it and see if it suits your needs. Download the trial version and ascertain that it actually does what it claims to do.

3. Security features. If you plan to sell your ebook, check out the security features of the compiler software carefully. Security features should include: prevention of the reader from modifying text, access only to the pages you assign or by entering a password, different ways of generating passwords such as secure passwords, user-friendly, and open passwords.

4. Supported scripting. Find out what scripts the software supports. Scripting allows you to create special effects, customize menus, and create and modify other user interactivity. Choose a compiler that permits you to include graphics, search windows, hyperlinks, forms, surveys, etc. 

5. Pricing. This is a factor that is not always easy to gauge. The highest priced compilers are not automatically your best choice. Choose your compiler based on the necessary requirements for your Ebook. That means you need to know exactly how you plan to use your Ebook and what functions you require.

Let's look at some of these factors in more detail. 
First of all, make sure you have the correct browser to run the compiler. The majority of HTML compilers use Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape. Check out the version that the compiler supports. Compilers that require a browser will not run on a computer that does not have the required browser installed. However, there are ebook HTML compilers that don't require you to have any browser installed on your computer. These compilers run on any Windows system.

If you choose a compiler that requires a browser, check to ascertain that the browser is installed correctly and that it is properly configured to the specifications of the compiler. Check to see if certain functions are turned off or on, and make any adjustments according to the compiler instructions.

Security is an essential element of any compiler, regardless of whether you plan to sell or give away your ebook. One of the main reasons for using a compiler is to prevent the reader from modifying the contents. A secure compiler allows access only to the pages you want the user to access unless they enter a correct password.

To find out how secure an ebook HTML compiler is, open an ebook on it. While it is open, check the temporary directory of your computer. This can usually be accessed by typing in C:\Windows\temp. If you see a bunch of files when your ebook is open or running, it means that your computer is decompressing the secure data from your ebook before showing the ebook to the viewer. This method is not secure! It means that anyone with the knowledge of how to access these temporary files can steal the secure data and then they can fiddle with your ebook to their evil heart's desire. Remember, one of the main purposes of buying and using an HTML compiler is to protect your property.

Next, let's discuss passwords. When trying to choose an ebook Compiler, check out the type of passwords that the compiler supports. Almost all compilers offer some kind of password protection that insures that the user can only access the contents they have purchased from you. However, the best compilers offer varied ways to generate different types of passwords. Choose a compiler that gives you the options of secure, user-friendly, and open password generation.

Another important factor when it comes to passwords is how the compiler generates them. A compiler that has internal password protection generation built into the software is more secure than compilers that link to live Internet password control systems.

Find out if the compiler generates passwords online. 
If it has this option, it allows you to choose any payment processing system you want or to do the payment processing yourself.

Next, look into the size of ebook the compiler supports. The best compilers can create ebooks up to 2 GB in size without decompressing the HTML pages or images to your hard disk. Usually, ebooks that are 2 GB in size can easily support 6 GB of compressed data. The catch here is that only text files will generally be compressible.

You do not want a compiler that decompresses this amount of data when the user attempts to open your ebook. This would mean that anyone who purchases your ebook will have to wait for all the data to decompress before they can access your ebook right after downloading it. So look for compilers that only decompress temporarily files that are NOT HTML to the local hardisk. Non-HTML files include Flash, Word, and Acrobat files. This type of compiler is more secure and certainly faster.

Make sure the compiler you choose is compatible with your system software. Check out what version of Windows it requires, and make sure you have that version before buying your compiler.

Support issues are extremely important. Choose a compiler that includes an installation program. This program allows your user to choose a number of different places on their computer to install the ebook, to place a shortcut on their desktop, and to add the ebook, if they choose, to the Start Programs menu.

You also want excellent and accessible vendor support.
Make sure you can access quick technical support! At three o'clock in the morning, this factor will be VERY important. Also, check to see the terms of free technical support offered. Unlimited technical support is obviously the best option.

Check to see if the company that puts out the compiler software offers a service level agreement. This agreement is to assure you of their quality response to your questions or problems.

A good thing to consider is how long the compiler has been on the market. Usually, the version number will give you an idea. The longer the program is on the market, the higher the version number, the more bugs have been worked out.

When choosing an ebook compiler, do not be swayed by incredible promises and dazzling sales copy. Do your homework first, and then consider all the above issues and factors before choosing an ebook compiler. 

Techniques For Better Public Speaking

in Leadership 

To ensure triumphant communication within a group, it is essential to enhance your communication skills. Speaking in front of an audience can be fun only if you are well prepared. Here are some techniques that can help you improve your public speaking skills.

• Make eye contact. It signifies your interest and desire to be honest and credible.

• Posture and gesture are also effective ways to communicate your message.

• Dress Appropriately. How you look is also important. Your appearance should convey a message for dignity and respect. 

• Be conscious of other people's space.

• Keep your message understandable and straightforward. Remember, "Less is more." Clarity is important because it affects all areas of your message. Avoid using jargons. Use words that your audience can understand.

Why "Less is more"? First and obvious, is to avoid information overload. Speaking involves great concentration. If you provide too much information, chances are your audience will not listen to you anymore. 
Second, clarity and pausing allows your audience to understand and acknowledge what you are saying.

• Be prepared. Remember the 6 W's:
Who? - Determining your audience's age, gender and interest are among the ways you can classify them.

What? - What topic would you like to discuss? Usually, when you get an invitation to speak in public, follow their theme and purpose.

How? - How can you communicate your message? Language and non-verbal cues are important. Proper choice of words helps your audiences understand you better.

When? - Obtain a logical timing of your discussion. Learn how to pause when necessary.

Where? - If you have time, visit the area where you will conduct your speech. Determine the best seating arrangement according to the type of your audience. You also need to consider the temperature, space and lighting conditions of the area. Visiting the area also helps you determine where to place your visual aid.

Why? - Convey the advantage and purpose the will gain if they will listen to you. Preparing a list objectives can help you narrow down the key points you need to emphasize.

• Do not overwhelm your audience with numbers and statistics. You can put this information in handouts for easy reference in the future.

• Use visual aids to support your message.

• Establish dialogue and rapport. Allow your audience to participate in the discussion. You can also create rapport by call your audience by their names. 

Animals Rule in Children's Literature: Frogs and Caterpillars and Bears - Oh My!

in eBooks

From very hungry caterpillars and penguins for every day of the year to the Kingdom of Frogavia, animals rule in children's literature. Whether used to teach numbers, colors, or more subtle lessons of morality, animals are the perfect vehicles for conveying tangible and intangible concepts in an entertaining way. 

The unique not-quite-human yet not-quite-animal characters in the classic Dr. Seuss tales, paired with allegories about honor and even disarmament, set the stage for the next generation of children's books and entertainment. Endearing creatures from Sesame Street (what is a Snuffleupagus, anyway?) and puppets from Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood created a world of make believe that children could call their own. 

In children's literature, the story is often secondary to the lavish illustrations. "The Very Hungry Caterpillar," for example, wouldn't be nearly as compelling without Eric Carle's illustrations. Likewise, "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" is clever, but Felicia Bond's illustrations make the book a children's classic. 

Kristin Zambucka's "Frog Knights" and "Frogavia! Frogavia!" are perfect examples of books that consist of both lavish illustrations and compelling tales. In the first book, frog characters live in their own frog world - the big pond known as The Kingdom Of Frogavia. The true frog king is unseated from his ancient throne and banished to a far, distant pond by an evil ruler. As his bullying and tyrannical rule stretch on, the Frogavian people grow increasingly restless and unhappy. Finally, a group of brave young rebels rise up and go in search of their true king. They eventually find him and he dubs them chivalry frog knights in gratitude for their loyalty. The king, along with a frog queen and frog princesses, return to Frogavia and right the wrongs of the evil ruler. In the second book, the story progresses, with one of the chivalry frog knights asking for the frog princess' hand in marriage, but she marries another. The frog knight joins his friends from the first book to continue on their mission to make good triumph over evil. 

Zambucka's books are more whimsical than, say, Mary Pope Osborne's Magic Tree House series or Tony Abbott's Secrets of Droon series, but capture the magic of childhood while imparting nuggets of wisdom. The whimsy and appeal of the characters is that they come from the animal kingdom. 

There's no doubt that creatures are central to today's children's literature. Whether completely imaginary, such as those in "Where the Wild Things Are," or real, as are those in "365 Penguins," or a little of both, as in "Frogavia! Frogavia!", kids are captivated by animals that cause the imagination to soar. 

Ten reasons for visiting Costa Rica in the rainy season

in Environmental 

Most travellers to Costa Rica tend to come in the 'dry' season which runs from December to April, avoiding what is commonly known as the rainy season, from May to November. However their fears about the rain are frequently misguided as the 'green' season offers some distinct benefits to vacationers and eco tourists seeking to truly experience Costa Rica's protected rainforests, such as the well known Manual Antonio National Park. Here are ten reasons why the 'green' season is still a great time to visit. 

First, it's not that rainy. It may rain a lot, but that doesn't mean you won't see the sun. The typical pattern in the rainy season is to have sunny days and rainy evenings, or a patch of sunny days followed by a few rainy ones. If you avoid the rainiest month of October, you will be assured to still see plenty of sunshine. 

Second, it's the 'green' season. To the locals this is the 'green' season, not the 'rainy' one. More rain means the plants thrive and for nature lovers this is the best part of the year with the dust being swept away, and the jungle's full lushness coming to the fore. 

Third, it's more economical. Generally costs for just about everything, from the price of the vacation rentals to tours is brought down in the rainy season, making it an easier time of year to visit on your wallet. 

Fourth, you'll be able to avoid the crowds. Anyone who has stood in one of the national parks on a busy 'high season' weekend can tell you that it's hard to enjoy the beautiful beaches and spot animals when the place is overrun by camera wielding tourists. Visiting when there are less crowds make everything from relaxing on the beach to going for a meal a much more pleasant experience. 

Fifth, you can sit back and enjoy the show. Thunderstorms in the tropics are an astonishing sight. Much more powerful and dramatic than those in the more temperate regions of the world, these are an astounding display of light and sound. So after a great morning at the beach, lie back on your hammock, sip a cup of Costa Rican coffee, and let the show begin.

Sixth, enjoy your rest. Nothing will lull you to sleep quicker than the soothing sound of rainfall outside whilst you are tucked up safely in your bed. 

Seventh, you'll enjoy more comfortable temperatures. The 'dry' season in Costa Rica is hot - REALLY hot, and humid as well. For those who like a more moderate temperature, the few degree drop in the rainy season can make all the difference. The air is still nice and warm, but not oppressive like it can be in the summer months. 

Eights, capitalize on mango season. Costa Rica abounds with natural fruit and vegetables, but many of the trees only bear fruit once summer has ended. One example of this is the mangos - if you visit from June onwards, you can literally pick up ripe juicy mangoes off the floor as you go about your day. 

Ninth, swimmers and surfers will enjoy better waves. Costa Rica is famed for its killer surfing all along the Pacific and Caribbean coasts. Although great all year round, the green season is when the swells tend to be bigger, and the surf better. 

Tenth, experience rainy season mornings. Dawn after a heavy night of rain is a magical experience in Costa Rica. As the sun is rising and the clouds are clearing, sip your coffee as you watch the jungle glistening with freshness and inhale the fragrant cool air. 

Personal and Professional Development

in Success 

Personal and professional development is an area in which everyone needs to improve. 
The most successful people continually strive to improve themselves. Personal and 
professional development carries over in each aspect of your life. There are personal 
skills that you may learn that will help you in professional situations. Likewise, there are 
professional skills that will help you in personal situations. Anyone who is career 
minded and wants to advance in their chosen field or change the field in which they are in 
should look carefully into personal and professional development to see how this could 
assist them in accomplishing their goals.

Personal and professional development starts with identifying the areas in which you 
want to excel but currently are not. Take a long look at where you are now and where 
you want to be. This is the first step in personal and professional development. Then, 
discuss your goals with your employer. This is a great way to get feedback on areas of 
your career. It accomplishes two goals. First, it puts your employer on notice that you 
have goals and ambitions and that you are ready and willing to make changes to 
accomplish those goals. It also allows you the opportunity to get valuable feedback and 
possible assistance from your employer. Perhaps there are courses your boss can 
recommend and ways that you can improve. This insight can be invaluable to your 
personal and professional development.

Find ways to accomplish your personal and professional development. This is a great 
time to look into classes that will help you advance in your career. Management courses, 
motivational classes and practical advancement classes will all help you in your 
professional career and you will also learn valuable tools that will transcend your 
professional life and help you with your personal life as well. Personal and professional 
development is a continuing process. Regularly evaluate where you are and where you 
want to be and make an effort to get there by setting short term goals. 

Parenting classes are a great way to assist in your personal development. However, they 
also teach certain skills such as anger management, negotiation and patience that will 
help in your professional life, especially in a managerial or supervisory position. Do not 
discount the benefits of personal experience that can be translated into the professional 
world. Often the skills learned in personal life will help you greatly in your professional. 
Personal and professional development goes hand in hand. It is rare to find someone who 
has it all together in their home life but is a mess in their professional life or vice versa. 
Most people have specific areas that need improvement and you can see the effects of 
these deficiencies in both areas of their life. 

Seeing personal and professional development in your life will also instill a sense of self 
worth and higher self esteem. It will give you the confidence that you need to be able to 
ask for that raise or submit your application for a better job. You will begin to see your 
life improving professionally, which will often lead to a more stable and worthwhile 
home life. People who have a chaotic personal life will often be distracted and edgy at 
work. Personal and professional development definitely is related and one area 
influences the other quite often. 

The Construct of Normal Personality

in Psychology 

Personality disorders are dysfunctions of our whole identity, tears in the fabric of who we are. They are all-pervasive because our personality is ubiquitous and permeates each and every one of our mental cells. I just published the first article in this topic titled "What is Personality?". Read it to understand the subtle differences between "personality", "character", and "temperament". 
In the background lurks the question: what constitutes normal behavior? Who is normal? 

There is the statistical response: the average and the common are normal. But it is unsatisfactory and incomplete. Conforming to social edicts and mores does not guarantee normalcy. Think about anomic societies and periods of history such as Hitler's Germany or Stalin's Russia. Model citizens in these hellish environments were the criminal and the sadist. 

Rather than look to the outside for a clear definition, many mental health professionals ask: is the patient functioning and happy (ego-syntonic)? If he or she is both then all is well and normal. Abnormal traits, behaviors, and personalities are, therefore defined as those traits, behaviors, and personalities that are dysfunctional and cause subjective distress. 

But, of course, this falls flat on its face at the slightest scrutiny. Many evidently mentally ill people are rather happy and reasonably functional. 

Some scholars reject the concept of "normalcy" altogether. The anti-psychiatry movement object to the medicalization and pathologization of whole swathes of human conduct. Others prefer to study the disorders themselves rather to "go metaphysical" by trying to distinguish them from an imaginary and ideal state of being "mentally healthy". 

I subscribe to the later approach. I much prefer to delve into the phenomenology of mental health disorders: their traits, characteristics, and impact on others. 

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